Saturday, June 03, 2006

King of Snakes

Thus, at the age of thirty, or thereabouts, this young Nobleman had not only had every experience that life has to offer, but had seen the worthlessness of them all. Love and ambition, women and poets were all equally vain. Literature was a farce. [...] Two things alone remained to him in which he now put any trust: dogs and nature; an elk-hound and a rose bush. The world, in all its variety, life in all its complexity, had shrunk to that. Dogs and a bush were the whole of it.

Virginia Woolf, Orlando (1928)


At 6/04/2006 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i couldn't find your e-mail address or anything else to contact you, so i'm posting in here. i've got a question i wanted to ask you.

At 6/05/2006 2:46 AM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Which brings me to the following point: the Commander Keen series is one of the best PC game series ever to have been (keen!) released (rekeen!) thus far. Even better, perhaps, is the XCOM UFO Defense game from the early ninetees, or was it late eightees? Anyway, you can get it for free at Home of the Underdogs. Just "google" it!

At 6/05/2006 2:51 AM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Death, decay, destruction... Why in what we call god's name are we here and what in what we call god's the fuck's name am I doing here. Ramble ramble rambo rambo nothing makes sense. Sneer, peer, pee... I may delete this horrible nonsense, or I may not. Does it matter at all? C.R.A.P.!!!
The Confederacy of Radical Arsehole Public

At 6/06/2006 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why we are here! We're here to find out why we are here, which brings us back to the the main subject... WHY are we here at all, for gods sake?
It may look nonsense, but in fact, it is this nonsenseness that holds the key of the mystery...
U MUST figure it out...

At 6/07/2006 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

liggend kun je schijten
maar het is beter als je zit
(and sorry there is no way to translate this kind of lunacy so learn dutch)

At 6/07/2006 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way...
its nice to see my doodles appear on your blogg.
Makes them less pointless...kinda.

At 6/08/2006 8:08 AM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Dank u, Joshua... Sort of. ;-)

At 6/08/2006 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better thank Andy for looking the way he does!


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