Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Carl Craig - More Songs About Food & Revolutionary Art (1997)

Carl Craig is another important second-generation Detroit techno producer (see Kenny Larkin, below). I've just noticed that he hasn't released a lot of studio albums, and the few he has have not been received as warmly as could be expected. To be honest, I have certain misgivings about this album, too. It contains a number of really great tracks (e.g. "Televised Green Smoke", "Dreamland", "Butterfly", "Dominos" and "As Time Goes By") but others are too depressing (e.g. "Goodbye World", "Red Lights"), mediocre (e.g. "Frustration") or even downright irritating ("Attitude"). What this effectively means is that I tend to select certain tracks or skip over the ones I don't like. But I'm the kind of person who either listens to a whole album or leaves it on the shelf. So, unfortunately, I don't tend to put this album on too often. Pity about the good tracks, really.



At 7/19/2006 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the password?

At 7/19/2006 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx a lot! Great music.

eclecticelectelectric 3.14159265 is the pass.

At 7/19/2006 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

password doesn't work...

At 7/19/2006 5:49 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Yes it does. Get a "golden shower". :-) top right of the main page in the panzy-pink box.

eclecticelectelectric 3.14159265

We all have a brain that works most of the time. Use it.

At 7/21/2006 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

At 8/11/2006 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eclecticelectelectric 3.14159265
doesn't work, i promise you!
maube it's because i have a mac?

At 8/11/2006 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a brain & your password is not running

At 8/11/2006 6:00 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

I tried to falsify your hypothesis and failed, which means the password does work on the file I uploaded. So there must be another factor - perhaps the cause does lie with Macs? Can you unpack other files with your Mac pc? Also make sure there isn't a space lagging behind the password, as it does count as a real digit.

At 4/25/2007 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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