Death of the Soul
Oh, back in the old days... I just found these pics on my pc - it's me with my sister and two friends! Boy did we have "fun" that night, prowling around the streets with torches, swords and corpse-paint...
"They who, deluded by no generous error, instigated by no sacred thirst of doubtful knowledge, duped by no illustrious superstition, loving nothing on this earth, and cherishing no hopes beyond, yet keep aloof from sympathies with their kind, rejoicing neither in human joy nor mourning with human grief; these, and such as they, have their approportioned curse. They languish, because none feel with them their common nature. They are morally dead. They are neither friends, nor lovers, nor fathers, nor citizens of the world, nor benefactors of their country. Among those who attempt to exist without human sympathy, the pure and tender-hearted perish through the intensity and passion of their search after its communities, when the vacancy of their spirit suddenly makes itself felt. All else, selfish, blind, and torpid, are those unforeseeing multitudes who constitute, together with their own, the lasting misery and loneliness of the world. Those who love not their fellow-beings, live unfruitful lives, and prepare for their old age a miserable grave."
From P.B. Shelley's preface to "Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude"
man am i glad i'm not in the picture :)
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Hey dude
I didnt know you all were KISS-members man
now there's a complement! who would be Gene in this case?
Where's the rest of the bastard pictures? My grandad didn't mine, eat and wash in coal for you to be cheap and only put two fo them up!
Aw crap, so I see you're not on these... I'll add a few on Sunday.
See you soon, dude & dudette!
(btw, I'll have to ask my sister for more of these)
sououououououp anyone?
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