MP3 Peak Normalization
I reckon that some of you may find the following information quite useful. In the past, if I created a compilation of mp3s or albums and put them into my mp3-player, I'd often get really pissed off when the music volume suddenly soared or sunk. It's just super irritating. Well, it's a fixable problem and the solution is called mp3Gain. It "analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume" - easy to use, totally free and you can get it
right here.
that's very useful mr Pax, thanks for that.
Thanks for solving this Problem so easily.
Great Blog.
You're most welcome... Strange, though, that you should spell that p-word with a capital "P". You must have German Genes. Hehe.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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