Saturday, July 22, 2006

Underworld - Dubnobasswithmyheadman (1993)

One of the great dance classics of the 90s, Dubnobasswithmyheadman is Underworld's debut after their switch from a rock combo, and it can be fairly said that it was an immediate and smashing success. Rightly so, I would argue, as the album is filled with great, laid back melodic electronic music. I bet most of you will have heard this release, but for the few who may have never heard Underworld's music, this is some highly recommended stuff. A key album of the 90s that brought electronic dance closer to the apprecation of the masses. Later on Underworld moved towards harder and more abstract techno, such as their superb double cd Second Toughest In The Infants, which I once owned but some prick nicked. Anyway, enjoy!



At 7/25/2006 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Pax, I'm afraid that the password is not correct...

At 7/25/2006 5:47 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Yes it is: make sure you don't prefix or suffix a space (that's often the case)

At 8/09/2006 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most snobs at the time described this as "techno for indie kids", they were right, but it still has a great underground feel to the album. It's rare to find a dance album that works as a whole. Normally the tracks that werent the dance 12"s are crap. This album works as a whole. Coked up, dark and subversive. Come back Darren Emmerson.


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