Thursday, August 24, 2006

Anthony Rother Presents Electro Commando 1 - Welcome to Psicity [2 cd] (2002)

Even though I'm not a huge fan of this genre called electro, I have to admit that this double cd is one of my favourites when it comes to dark electronic music with a futuristic edge to it. Taking the bleepy, melodic stuff we all know from Kraftwerk and combining it with dark 90s techno music, as well funky beat structures from hip hop, Mr Rother from Frankfurt ("Frankfurt? Ja ja ja ja jaaaa...") paradrops a number of his own tracks, a bunch of remixes, and lots of other German electro music. Unfortunately, I don't have proper speakers, but right now I'm listening to it with my headphones (which are of high quality) and I have to tell you: the bass makes me wish I had a pair of boobs. Who just said that? Man? Machine? Hell, the older I'm getting and the more mind-operations I'm going through, the less I'm seeing a difference! Komputersimulieren und Robotte assistieren - Simulationszeitalter!

Stanks for informinging me abouturd the rapidshitty kaiserwording: keep meagre informaggot pliss!






At 8/25/2006 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, can you repair links? thank you.

At 8/27/2006 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont bother with the link just take his word for it that it is a good seedy :)

At 9/04/2006 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its seedy licking goooooodd

At 9/18/2006 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but still not functional!!!
you dissapoint me :)

At 9/18/2006 9:53 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Hmmm crap, all the files have been deleted. Guess you'll all be forced to buy the goodies... May up'em again, but chances are slim, as the files were deleted really soon after the post. What a pity.

At 9/23/2006 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey fine by me pax,nudge nudge!

At 9/23/2006 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1/17/2007 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man I have been trying to get this album for ages but it sounds like it has gone from your site, can you give me any leads to finally get hold of this one pleeeeese?

At 1/17/2007 9:04 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Don't worry: I'll reup it for you this weekend. It is indeed a really cool album (and I'm generally not a fan of elektro music)

At 1/21/2007 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evening Pax,

Just tried dloading the rars again but they dont want to play. Thought I might of been doing something wrong so I tried a test dloading from your recent posts and they work fine. Here goes to Dante and the Troubadours, you never know!
Any news on the Rother album would be great but I'd like to repay your generousity,
I have some great Drexciya mixes I think you might want to give a go, I love them. These guys were pioneers and their sound feels as fresh today as it did 20 years ago. Let me know and I will to you.


At 1/24/2007 10:08 PM, Blogger Paxjorge said...

Got too wasted this weekend, sorry. You can't download the rars atm coz they haven't been downloaded in the last month so they got deleted automatically. Keep checking every now and then, I haven't forgotten. Patience, my friend! ;-)


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