Generation CTRL-X

Now, what suprises me is that so many of you, especially the Mac-usurers who seem to have too much money on their hands, have certain difficulties controlling their ability to copy-paste. Why is this? One important factor in correctly copy-pasting is that one should not drag the mouse arrow from the beginning of the term to the end, but back to front. It's comparable to how women wipe their backsides (smellask your girlfriend). That way you can eliminate the chance of accidentally carrying over an unwanted "space", which in the case of passwords is antithetical to success. That being said, I advise you to get some CTRL-X training in an advertising agency or a military database or something.
do mac-users actualy have girlfriends by the way?
can they still afford that?
"comparable to women wiping backwards"
Ha ha ha ha
I am a Mac user and I get lots. Also, I just copied some of your florid text from front to back and vice versa and got no extraneous spaces.
You could use a serial box incredibly cheap 'Copy-Paste' app with as many after restart retained 'slots' as you wish including an infinite (depending on how much ram u assign the app) 'copy recorder' for your C/P duties.
Extremely useful for those COMPUTER users unable to use cp facilities, except i believe it is only available for mac, it works on the very affordable £350 Mac Mini (damn i've been drawn into that tedious pc vs mac, should have got over it 10 yrs ago, argument.. ah well read about it in your mac designed magazines.
And yes, be it from front to back and vice versa it is dependable on mouse control, best thing is to get your 1 btn mac mouse and place it gently in the trash with a hammer and purchase a real mouse, preferably not made by microsoft, they appear more expensive than Logitech and i cant afford them ;) yawn
Apple-C : copy
Apple-V : paste
"comparable to women wiping backwards" - eh? dosen't everyone? Maybe PC users like sh1tty balls :)
peace all, except to unix users and peeps with sh1tty balls. ;)
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