Model 500 - Deep Space (1995)
Deep Space is Juan Atkins' first full length album under the name Model 500. Earlier I mentioned Kevin Saunderson and Carl Craig - well, here's the true godfather of techno music. It is even said that Juan Atkins (who likes giving gigs in extinct volcanoes and such) is the man who actually coined the term "techno", taking as inspiration the works of futurist and author Alvin Toffler, from whom he borrowed the terms "cybotron" and "metroplex", words he used as names for electronic music ventures. More info about this extremely interesting musician can be found
here (All Music Guide).
Deep Space was released on the sublime but now defunct Belgian R&S label - and trust me, there's no title more apt than this. One of the finest electronic albums I have EVER heard, I'm ashamed to say I don't own it on cd; but that won't be for much longer. As it's Sunday today, unfortunately the shops are shut. But listen to this record: it's superb.
IFNKOVHGROGHPRM (Pt 1)IFNKOVHGROGHPRM (Pt 2, RapidShare)IFNKOVHGROGHPRM (Pt 2, MegaUpload)IFNKOVHGROGHPRM (Pt 2, FileFactory)pass=eclecticelectelectric 3.14159265
Pax, what`s the password for opening Model 500 files?
Same as always:
eclecticelectelectric 3.14159265
When will you change your password witch doesn't work on mac?
Maybe you don't like people who works on mac...
I've read comments about this question and there is nothing to do... it doesn't work... on my mac...
I'm sad because you listen some such good music...
Okay you know what: I'll simplify the passworm and amon-ra-upload the rar files if you tell me which files you'd like to check out. You must also swear to god that you will delete the files in less than 24 hours and, whether you like them or not, you will also buy them. And pay your taxes. And be nice to people you don't like.
Just for the record,paxjorge, the 1st and 2nd "anonymous" are not the same person...1st thanks you a lot...
im laughing my ass off!
mort de rire!
now where's my beer?
trop sympa l'ambiance...
Just for the record,paxjorge, the 1st and 2nd "anonymous" are not the same person...2nd thanks you a lot... too
paxjorge you are a paradox... why do you do this blog?
Do you like to be angry with people you dont know?
i dont believe in any god...
I pay my taxes, I will not delete the files because i can't download from you because your password is a piece of chit.
and i will not be nice with you : i dont like you.
Now i know that i'm better than you. bye.
it's called an sense of humour last anonymous!
Hi there Pax! I'm on a mac, that means that the passphrase will not work? 'cause I want to listen MOdel 500, I'm very, very curious as you said it is a fine album, hope you can help me, thanx!
hehe,tell m Pax!
And Joe im not a mac-user but i do believe it should work or at least according to others,hehe!
And yep tis a great album!
Hi Joe, you seem a reasonable enough fellow. I'd like you to do me a favour: please download it and try the passphrase on your Mac. Make sure you don't add the last space, 'coz then it won't work. The phrase should work, as other mac-users get by fine (see August post on this topic).
Now, if it DOESN'T work, do tell me and I will simply re-up it with a simpler, albeit more BORING password. I hate boring things, but life just tends to be full of 'em. And please don't flip op the collar of you pink shirt while smoking a FAG. (this is sarcasm, for those who are getting wary of my goodwill now...)
bye now.......
I'm on Mac, and it worked for me. Thanks! (Didn't work once before, must've been that consarned space...)
anybody else wanna pop his collar?:)
Thanks PAX what i downloaded is very nice. (pt. 2)
i downloaded pt 1 also but it said insert pt2 to complete and i guided the directory to the pt2 (unzipped) file and it didnt take...but now i have a file one, which is the same as part 2?
my question: is there a difference. the pt2 i downloaded is illllll.
If you want the whole album, you'll need both part1.rar and part2.rar. It doesn't matter which server you download part2.rar from, but you do need it. Don't unzip part2.rar, just make sure the file is in the same folder as part1.rar and unzip part1.rar. If all goes right, part2.rar should then be unzipped automatically.
Young man/lady, good luck with your endeavours!
i've been after this for ages...
any chance of reposting the files.
I have taken the liberty of reposting this in mp3 at
If anybody is interested. Now be nice to each other, and no more chit!
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